Tuesday, June 7, 2011

WWE: R-Truth

The newfound character of R-Truth is something unexpected and rather refreshing to the main event scene. With his unpredictable promos to match his unpredictable temper he has added something unique to the main event scene that it seems to have been missing in their carousel. He has even brought some classic feel to his character by his actions in his most recent match with Cena. While I know many felt the match was a waste of time and shouldn't even be considered a match, I rather enjoyed seeing Truth pull out some classic heel tricks that date back to Harley Race and that other Carolina wrassler, Ric Flair. Leaving the ring and taking a brake on the outside was something seen frequently with them and was done to anger the fans, which is something I believe Truth accomplished in his bout. The finish only added to the classic feeling with Truth hitting Cena so Cena was the one being counted out, while a roll-up with some tights being pulled would have sufficed this finish was creative and different. With all that said I don't want this to be misconstrued as comparing Truth to those 2 legends nor believing he will actually be given the title. I just believe he is giving the main event scene a refreshing look and holding the spot until Vince green lights the Del Rio/Cena program. This also gives way to a possible respectable U.S or even IC title reign for Truth and a chance to stay on television without that awful and irritating rapping. With that said until the next time our paths cross.

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